What Michael Brecker Practiced (The 12 Bar Jazz Etude)

by | Jazz Improvisation

 If you’re familiar with the late Michael Brecker, you already know that he has been regarded as one of the greatest improvisers in jazz history, right up there with John Coltrane, who in turn was one of his primary influences! And I’m not just referring to his unbelievable chops as a player but mainly to his overall musicality. So, how did he attain this level and what can not only saxophonists, but also the rest of us learn from him?

For starters, we can transcribe his solos and analyze them, but that goes without saying for any great player we want to learn from! Now, I don’t know about you, but as a guitar player, I don’t have the chops to recreate on my instrument what he did on his. As a result, I have to take it down several notches and isolate a specific concept or idea that I want to incorporate into my playing. However, before I can do this, I need a proven strategy which in turn brings me to what I read Michael Brecker wrote and practiced daily for an entire year! So, if you want to make the best use of your study and practice time… Check out Michael’s strategy:



The “12 Bar Jazz Etude “ lesson files, are free to download. Note that you must be logged in!



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