How to Play and Use the Whole Tone Pentatonic- Part 1

by | Jazz Improvisation, Jazz Pentatonics

In this two part lesson I’d like to show you how to play and use a scale that most guitarists aren’t even aware of. I’m referring to the whole tone pentatonic. So where does this scale come from? Well, I’ve got some interesting news for you. You probably knew all along but didn’t realize it. It’s been hiding within the melodic minor scale. If we play an A melodic minor we’ll notice that from the b3 to the 7 we have a whole tone segment. This is the whole tone pentatonic in disguise! Now watch the video and learn all about its application over different chord changes.

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How To Play and Use The Whole Tone Pentatonic -Part 2


  1. Jazzy Beatle

    You are right. I was not aware of the whole tone pentatonic, very cool concept, something to add to my “Bag of Tricks.” Thanks for bringing it up.

  2. Lou Minn

    Thank you Richie for sharing your knowledge with this jazz hobbyist. Greetings from the city of brotherly love.

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